Forgiving a "Monster"

August 16, 2024 2 min read



Life can be tough, and unfortunately, we all come across people who may hurt, disrespect, or abuse us. It's helpful to remember that everyone has their own story, struggles, and experiences that shape who they are. The saying "hurt people hurt people" is true. People who hurt others, regardless if it is intentional or unintentional are more than likely carrying their own deep wounds and unresolved issues. Understanding this can help us develop empathy and compassion towards those who may have done us wrong.

Think of it like this - imagine walking in someone else's shoes for a minute. What kind of battles have they fought in your life? What pain have they endured? By understanding that every so-called "monster" has a backstory, we can begin to break the cycle of hurt. Instead of responding with anger or resentment, we can choose understanding and forgiveness. This doesn't mean excusing their behavior, but shifting our perspective and awareness to recognizing that everyone is fighting their own battles. There is nothing wrong with releasing people to be who they want to be. This allows them the free-will to live as they choose, but you also have the free-will to remove hurtful people from your life.

So, the next time you are dealing with someone that may be have hurting you, take a step back and try to see beyond their actions and release them with love. Remember that behind their hurtful words or behavior, there may be a person struggling with their own pain and insecurities. By choosing to respond with empathy and kindness, you not only break the cycle of hurt but you also create a ripple effect of positivity and healing in the world. Your understanding and compassion have the power to make a difference, no matter how small it may seem.

Your life, your energy and your decision to shift your perspective is making a difference in the world.


Love Always,

CAN CAN + The Lighthouse Family

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