Adjusting Your Mood

August 11, 2024 1 min read



Adjusting Your Mood ✨ Follow up from Today's Episode on Spark the Flame Podcast


Here is the chart that I mentioned in today's episode on Spark the Flame. In today's changing world, it is soooo crucial to know how to adjust your mood. It is easy for us to get stuck in low vibrations like guilt, shame, and unworthiness, which can drain our energy and block our growth.

Remember that we have the power to shift from low vibes to higher frequencies of self-compassion, forgiveness, and peace. By practicing self-compassion, we can be more understanding and kind to ourselves. It's okay to give yourself a break. 🧘🏽‍♀️

Keep this phrase in mind "Don't get mad".... The goal is to keep your cool and keep vibing high!!! No "body" is perfect, but the Spirit(Higher Self) is beyond perfect. As we align with the Spirit, we allow the perfection to flow to us and through us. We struggle when we operate from our lower state and aligning with our Spirit is a choice.

Ask yourself , "How do you feel?" and identify that emotion on the chart. If you find yourself on a low emotional level, ask yourself, "How do you want to feel?" and make the adjustments necessary.

Join the Family in Spiritual Alignment Class for more support

Love Always,


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